​​​​​​​Karen Desrosiers
W r i t e r & A r t i s t
Workshops, Classes, & Retreats
Writer Workshopping Class
This class is designed for beginning and intermediate writers who have been working, or want to work, on a project and are ready to receive some feedback on their work. During the class, each writer will both give and receive feedback. We will use a method of peer feedback that is supportive, constructive, and safe. In addition to doing feedback, we will discuss the various elements of creative writing and do writing prompts geared toward the needs and interests of the participants.
Space is limited to 6 participants.
7-week class, $175
Exeter Town Hall Gallery, 2nd floor, 9 Front St.
Tuesdays, 6 - 8:30pm, March 20 - May 1
Saturdays, 9:00 - 11:30am, March 24 - May 5
Contact me to register.
A new registration form
is coming soon.
The Creative Path Retreat (Exeter, NH)
Creativity is not just for artists. Creativity is relaxing, inspirational, and healing, and everyone can build creativity into their lives. This retreat takes a multi-disciplinary approach to incorporating creativity into every day life. We will look at ways to harness our individual creative energies and build creativity into different parts of our days from doodle and journals, to chanting and connecting with nature, to playing with our food.
More details to come soon, so check back or contact me.
Space is limited.
Friday June 22, 2018 - Sunday June 24, 2018
Downtown Exeter, NH